Thursday 13 June 2013

123D Catch

I recently started to experiment with Audodesk 123D Catch. I think it can offer a good solution for mid background assets that are not close to camera, allowing a good result much quicker than modelling and texturing from scratch. The first time I used it I did not have good results with the software, but I got a good tip off Digital Tutors which was to place the object on a cereal box as it can help match points in the solve. This time I got a solid result doing a classic shoe test with my Nikes. It was an overcast day today so perfect for shooting, I took around 30 images to reproduce this. I exported to 3DS Max in medium quality output and did a simple render test. I was impressed with the results.

My main negative issue so far is that it produces 2 texture maps for the asset which are different ratio-resolution and in the same uv space, so they overlap, this makes post tweaks to the texture quite problematic. I will see if I can solve this issue in future tests.

This image below is using high res output option. Looks very nice, and is very accurate to real world object, but very heavy mesh (1.5 million polys per shoe). It also gave me 4 x 4k texture maps all in same uv space overlapping with no sensible way to separate with its random auto UV mapping :(