Friday 14 July 2017

Horizon The Beautiful

Volume 2 of In Game photography. The beautiful world of Horizon Zero Dawn was my subject this time.

Thursday 6 July 2017

E3 is one of my  favourite weeks of the year. It's like Christmas, but for gamer's. Here are my highlights from the 2017 show!

Sonic Mania - Recreating and remixing the game that made me fall in love with video games, I never expected this game to be made, so it's a bit of a dream come true.

Forza 7 - I think the Forza brand delivers the best racing experience in modern racing games, both visuals and AI are top of the class, offering hard core racing with the main game, and an outstanding more casual arcade experience with Horizion. I started seriously getting into racing games with Gran Turismo so it will be interesting to see if they can keep up with Forza later this year.

The Evil WIthin 2 - I felt the first captured the classic Silient Hill/Resident Evil survival horror feel perfectly, so I'm all in for number 2.

Uncharted: Lost Legacy - Naughty Dog redefining gaming again, oh no big deal just a 10 hour single player story DLC! Exited meter is a 10 for this one!

Life Is Strange - Before The Storm - Even though this is more of an interactive experience than a game, I really loved what they did with the main game, the art style, the character development, and some of those choices you had to make really messed with my head.