Saturday 23 December 2017

Star Wars Battlefront 2

I have been working as a Game Designer on SWBF 2 for the last year, working with Criterion games creating Starfighter Assault.  Here are some highlights of a couple of the levels I was lead Designer for.

So what does a game designer do? Well, first as a team we decide on a location for the level and then draw up some ideas of what could happen. I then take these ideas and more of my own and experiment in a white box type level different scenarios and try to find what would be the most fun. I will  build simple geometry in Maya and then in this case testing in our Unity prototype environment. Weeks or months of iteration will happen until myself and the team are feeling good about what we have. Here are some examples of what the levels 'Ryloth' and 'The Unknown Regions' looked like 6/9 months before we shipped the game.

Once we have confidence in the direction of the white box level we move to our production Engine Frostbite. After many months of iterations the final product is in the video below.

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